Steve McGrew is offering four spots in his acorns and oak leaves class, proceeds to benefit Columbia Fire & Iron. Gift certificates will be available to print for giving this holiday season, and money raised will help CFI invest in more tools for the club’s next hammer-in in the spring!

Acorns & Oak Leaves Class

Sunday, January 6, 2019 | 8am to 5pm

This one-day class is aimed at beginning to intermediate level students. It
teaches some basic blacksmithing skills including pipe forging, fullering, and forge
welding. Some accessory skills may be taught including elementary arc welding
and/or plasma cutting.



Instructed by Steve McGrew at Incandescent Ironworks: 3610 S. Harrison Rd, Spokane
$100 per person
Only 4 spaces available, reserve your spot below!
This class is full!

For additional details contact Steve McGrew at 509-998-2465 (cell) or